Learn & Explore

Essentials when your starting collection:

Stamp Album

Stamp Catalogue

Magnifying Glass

Why they are important?
Because stamps are small, it is often difficult to see all of their minute detail with the naked eye. Magnifying glasses, which come in a variety of shapes and sizes, will help you not only see the design better but also, in some instances discover small details which can help distinguish one stamp from another. You’ll soon learn that there are times when stamps appear to be the same but are not.
Look-alike stamps frequently turn stamp collectors into Sherlock Holmes! Sleuthing is fun and a test of your knowledge and skill.
We Sell UK Stamps Replicas (different levels of quality) for you to test your knowledge and find discrepancies between genuine and non-genuine stamps, there are so many things to look at, such as: perforation, large oval perforation, UV checks, watermark, printing, year, security tags, printing alignment and much more.
Disclaimer: It is illegal to use stamps that are not genuine or have already been used on letters and packages, that have not been cancelled with a postmark (unfranked stamps).

Stamp Hinges or Mounts (these will be needed depending on the type of album purchased)

Tweezers (so you don’t have to touch the stamps, we also provide high-quality replica stamps for you to practice using the Tweezers before trying to remove any rare/expensive stamps from a letter to add to your collection, click here for more details. )

Soaking Stamps

You can always find stamps in your own mailbox, or you can ask a local business to let you have stamps from their mail. But when you want to remove a stamp from an envelope, you will need to soak the stamp off. When you soak stamps off of the remnants of envelopes, all you really need is a container to hold the cool water while the stamps soak. It’s best to let the stamps soak for perhaps 15 to 20 minutes, sometimes more depending on the quality of the paper and gum which is used. You can tell when the stamps are ready to be handled, they will float free from the envelopes. Not all stamps soak well. If you have stamps with purple ink or cancellations on them, you may want to soak them separately, because these colors may run, discoloring other items in the container. Others may require separate attention because of colors which may run from the envelopes on which the stamps were affixed.
We Sell UK Self-adhesive Stamps Replicas (different levels of quality) for you to practice soaking, removing stamps from envelopes, you can buy
Disclaimer: It is illegal to use stamps that are not genuine or have already been used on letters and packages, that have not been cancelled with a postmark (unfranked stamps).